Ten Thousand Years Love(Romance Years)

 曲/詞:阿輪     編曲:大貓

台中英翻譯:阿祿仔子   /   AI咖啡貓及CSC 校訂

閒雲千里    清風滿心意    撩吾情緒紛飛    一夢萬年
無羈絆的雲來去自如於千里天際    清風迎面徐徐吹來滿心充滿情意    撩動我的心思讓我情緒紛亂飛舞    恍如經歷夢境一場卻癡情萬年
As a free cloud, wind blows my heart full lightly, trapping me in emotional confusion. A dream infatuated me ten thousand years.

小紅樓    紗窗邊    鶯聲燕語
女子居住的紅色樓房上    白紗飄動的窗子旁邊    傳出女子婉轉悅耳的話語
In the red house, fluttering gauze on the window, voices of a woman were mildly and sweetly.
冠戴君    風流子    繁華戀醉
女子幫情郎穿衣整帽    他是個風流多情的人    在繁華塵世中深情繾綣貪戀杯中迷醉
She helped to dress for her lover, he was romantic, would like to be tipsy in prosperous world.

誰與吾    曾何時    忘世知己
是誰和我    曾幾何時    還是一對忘記塵世的知己阿
Who is my soul mate whenever?

三生石    補天女    原是傳奇
僧圓觀投胎牧童附三生石    女媧氏鍊五色石以補蒼天    原來都只是虛幻傳奇
Like the reincarnation stone or Goddess of sky-hole patching, it's just a legend.

閒雲千里    清風滿心意    撩吾情緒紛飛    一夢萬年癡
無羈絆的雲來去自如於千里天際    清風迎面徐徐吹來滿心充滿情意    撩動我的心思讓我情緒紛亂飛舞    恍如經歷夢境一場卻癡情萬年
As a free cloud, wind blows my heart full lightly, trapping me in emotional confusion. A dream infatuated me ten thousand years.

黃昏去    夜沉默    蠟燭滴淚
女子和情郎約在黃昏相別離    夜裡無言神情落寞    只有蠟燭無聲滴淚
He went away in dusk, left a candle dropped tears in the silent night.

故人來    不相識    莫怪流水
等情郎多年後回來看女子    卻相見不相識    就別怪年華易逝流水無情
If you don't identify me when you back, don't blame merciless time flow.

誰與汝    曾何時    忘世知己
是誰和你    曾幾何時    還是一對忘記塵世的知己阿
Who is your soul mate whenever?

共此心    向明月    遙遙相對
相隔兩地的情人懷著共同的心    向著明月    隔著遙遠的距離相互面對
With the same heart, toward the moon, two separated lovers  face each other in far distance.

誰與吾    曾何時    忘世知己
是誰和我    曾幾何時    還是一對忘記塵世的知己阿
Who is my soul mate whenever?

寧可信    不可疑    遠在天邊
寧可相信    不可懷疑    忘世知己就是遠在天邊的你
I would rather believe, don't doubt, you, distant companion, are my soul mate.

閒雲千里    清風滿心意    撩吾情緒紛飛    一夢萬年癡
無羈絆的雲來去自如於千里天際    清風迎面徐徐吹來滿心充滿情意    撩動我的心思讓我情緒紛亂飛舞    恍如經歷夢境一場卻癡情萬年
As a free cloud, wind blows my heart full lightly, trapping me in emotional confusion. A dream infatuated me ten thousand years.



Cluster amaryllis

詞:羅綾    曲:阿輪
台英翻譯:阿祿仔子    /   AI咖啡貓 校訂 

彼岸花                 花葉不相逢
Cluster amaryllis, its flowers and leaves never met each other.
那落迦               因果莫匆匆
In Naraka hell, the Karma which punished me, never slow down. but please....

流    啊               潸潸三途河
Flow, in the river between life and death, weeps never stop.
蕩    啊               幽幽幽冥路
Waft, on the way in nether world, it's very gloomy.

聽    啊               渺渺引魂鼓
Listen, the sound of drums for towing soul, it's blurred.
哀    啊               塵    夢    空
Grieve, dreams of the world are all in vain.

沈    啊               十八地獄紅
Submerge, deep in 18th layer hell, it's merciless bloody. 
望    啊               三千如來光
Long for,  I Long for brightness of Tathagata Buddha would save us. 


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