永遠不回頭 Never Return

一樣的月光 The Same Moonlight



 「永遠不回頭」是1989年朱延平電影「七匹狼」中的主題曲片中駱駝(王傑)、耗子(庹宗華)、小雞(張雨生)、小茹(馬翠茹)、董婷(金玉嵐)、方蓉(葉全真)、ㄚ頭(邵萱)和黑鷹(何恭裕)之間是怎麼樣的恩怨糾葛我早已忘光光,但是這首「永遠不回頭」卻在我青春歲月留下抹不去的刻痕。電影的英文字幕是看看翻譯者如何理解歌詞的好方法,譬如我想要躍入海面 找尋起點 看誓言可會改變」就翻譯成跳進海裡 啟動新的開始 試圖改變誓言」,關於此句我想還是用中性一點的翻譯會比較妥切

Never return

王傑 / 張雨生 / 姚可傑 / 邰正宵 (1989)

作曲:陳志遠        填詞:陳樂融

在天色破曉之前 我想要爬上山巔 仰望星辰 向時間祈求永遠

Before dawn, I want to climb to top of the mountain, looking up at the stars and praying my time forever.  

當月光送走今夜 我想要躍入海面 找尋起點 看誓言可會改變

After tonight when moon saying good-bye, I want to jump into the sea to find a new beginning and observe if the pledge will change. 

年輕的淚水不會白流 痛苦和驕傲這一生都要擁有

Young tears will not flow in vain. Pain and pride in my life are all I must-have. 

年輕的心靈還會顫抖 再大的風雨我和你也要向前衝

Young hearts still tremble. Whatever so big storm, you and me have to move forward. 

永遠不回頭 不管天有多高

Never return no matter how high the sky.

憂傷和寂寞 感動和快樂 都在我心中

Sad and lonely, touching and happy are all in my heart. 

永遠不回頭 不管路有多長

Never return no matter how long the road.

黑暗試探我 烈火燃燒我 都要去接受

Whether dark probing me or fire burning me, I have to accept all.


Never return.





Please Come with Me

虞戡平 / 蘇芮 (1983)


我踩著不變的步伐 是為了配合你到來

I walk with unvarying footsteps to wait for your coming.

在慌張遲疑的時候 請跟我來

When you have anxiety and doubt, please come with me. 

我帶著夢幻的期待 是無法按捺的情懷

I carry a dreamlike hope. It's a feeling that can't be repressed. 

在你不注意的時候 請跟我來

When you are distracted, please come with me. 

別說什麼 那是你無法預知的世界

Don't say anything. It's a world you cannot foresee. 

別說你不用說 你的眼睛已經告訴了我

Don't say. You don't have to say. Your eyes have already told me. 

當春雨飄呀飄的飄在 你滴也滴不完的髮稍 

Spring showers are drifting down and dripping endlessly from your hair. 

戴著你的水晶珠鍊 請跟我來

Wearing your crystal pearl necklace, please come with me.


The Same Moonlight

蘇芮 (1983)

作詞:吳念真 / 羅大佑 作曲:李壽全

一樣的月光 一樣的照著新店溪

The same moonlight shines on the same Hsintien River. 

一樣的冬天 一樣的下著冰冷的雨

The same winter brings the same cold rains.  

一樣的塵埃 一樣的在風中堆積

The same dust is blown the same by wind. 

一樣的笑容 一樣的淚水

The same smiles. The same tears. 

一樣的日子 一樣的我和你

The same days. The same you and me. 

一樣的笑容 一樣的淚水

The same smiles. The same tears. 

一樣的日子 一樣的我和你

The same days. The same you and me. 


When did the frog croaks become memory? 


When did the home land become so crowded? 

高樓大廈 到處聳立

Tall buildings are towered all around. 

七彩霓虹 把夜空染得如此的俗氣

The neon signs make the night so vulgarity. 

誰能告訴我 誰能告訴我

Who can tell me? Who can tell me? 

是我們改變了世界 還是世界改變了我和你

Did we change the world or did the world change you and me? 

誰能告訴我 誰能告訴我

Who can tell me? Who can tell me? 

是我們改變了世界 還是世界改變了我和你

Did we change the world or did the world change you and me? 



When had all childhood friends left me?


When were people around me no longer familiar? 

人潮的擁擠 拉開了我們的距離

The crowded crowd pull us away.

沈寂的大地 在靜靜的夜晚默默的哭泣

The silent land is weeping silently in the quiet night.



Have Bottle Want to Recycle?

蘇芮 (1983)

作詞:羅大佑 作曲:侯德健


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